The Kindermusik with Simply Music Blog

We Love Our Kindermusik Educators

we love our kindermusik educators Jun 27, 2024
We Love Our Kindermusik Educators

We Love Our Kindermusik Educators

Kindermusik programs worldwide are celebrating “We Love Kindermusik” month, and we thought it would be enormously appropriate to share just why we love our Kindermusik educators. Normally we have a regular monthly feature highlighting one of our very special educators. This month we want to highlight them ALL!

Our Kindermusik educators are truly the heart and soul of everything that Kindermusik is and everything that Kindermusik means to children and families all around the globe. Here are just a few of the many reasons why we adore and appreciate our Kindermusik educators so much.



The Kindermusik Curriculum Comes Alive in the Hands of our Talented Kindermusik Educators

Kindermusik educators pour their passion, creativity, musicality, and understanding of child development into making each Kindermusik lesson and every individual Kindermusik activity meaningful and delightfully engaging, so that the incredible learning that happens in the Kindermusik classroom continues right through the week at home.

Kindermusik Educators Have Hearts That Are Bigger than, Well, the Biggest Thing you Can Possibly Imagine!  

The capacity of a Kindermusik educator to love every child for who they are and to love each family for what is so uniquely special about them is unbounded.  Each child and family in our Kindermusik programs are welcomed, nurtured, and treasured by our amazing educators whose #1 focus is creating a meaningful and lasting experience for everyone in their classes.

Jessica Solares and her magical tambourine!

Kindermusik Educators Are Some of the Most Nurturing, Dedicated Music Teachers on the Planet

Most would wholeheartedly agree that they didn’t choose Kindermusik; Kindermusik chose them.  And they take this “calling”, if you will, with seriously huge doses of love and commitment to what they facilitate and what they give – every week in every class to every child and every parent.  Our educators are some very, very special people because of their utmost dedication to their craft, their classes, and their communities.

Our Kindermusik Educators Are Absolutely Committed to Making a Difference in the Minds and Hearts of the Children and Families that they Are Privileged to Interact with and Know

The level of care they take to prepare their lessons, interact with each individual, and lay a musical foundation is all driven out of a desire to see that music and movement have a powerful effect not just for now, but for life.  Our educators are truly difference makers, impacting children, families, and even their communities. During this month of February when we all look for ways to convey our adoration and appreciation to those nearest and dearest to us, we here at Kindermusik International want to express our deepest feelings of love and gratitude to some very, very special people – our Kindermusik educators.  We love you and thank you for all you do to change the world through music, one child and one family at a time.

 All of us here at Kindermusik International

P.S.  To Kindermusik Parents and Kindermusik alumni… If you have a special Kindermusik educator to thank, we warmly invite you to share your Kindermusik story in the comments below or even to call or send that Kindermusik educator a note.  It would mean the world to them!

For more music, ideas, and fun, and to find a class near you, visit 



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